My learning experiences


Learning Experience from Elementary School

I basically had only very few teachers and the priest of the community for religion. He was very old school and even slapping some childrens. Old school approach. The topics in elementary and middle school were the basic knowledge items in math, language, geography etc. i do not recall at all the teaching method to be honest. I believe it was mostly information that was passed, no skills like word. I did not quite think about why I had to learn. I was convinced that I had to.

Learning Experience from High school

In high school I learned the common knowledge topics. it was mostly knowledge transfer, with some workshops (mostly in natural science) and skill transfer, but more related to programming languages rather than pc usage or practical skills.

The instruction was very much top-down, I even recall a teacher who rarely spoke to the class. He came in without even looking, just opened his notebook and wrote on the whiteboard, students had to shut up and copy.

The thing I recall most is the workshop we did in a museum when I was 15. It was a museum for old farm houses and all participants lived like in around 1880, baking bread with hands, working in the field, producing carbon with a old school charcoal pile and sleeping in the hay barn. We learned a lot and it was quite tough living without technology, but incredibly fun.

Why was I learning overall in high school? I supposed it was something I had to do and did not like school at all. I was a bad student back then, until I discovered reading literature and philosophy.

Learning Experience from University

My first memory for professional learning started when I was an undergraduate assistant at university (even worked as a secretary for 6 months). I learned a lot about philosophy without actually studying, but through the tasks, I had to do (copying books, organizing materials) and just by watching the senior assistants work.

Discussing with them I gained invaluable knowledge. Obviously, the skills I learned were practical skills for the university environment, how to work with dictated cassettes for instance, the workflows at university. But apart from that, I learned a lot on the fly without even noticing. I learned a lot and put a lot of work in as well.

Why was I learning? I was really passionate about the new life and knowledge at university, and when I like something I can put in all a lot of work without effort.

About the author


Ph.D. in philosophy, author, wine expert, former poker professional, and co-founder of On Griffl, I discuss Instructional Design & AI tools.

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By Herbert

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