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OECD: Opportunities & guidelines for effective use of AI in education


A new publication of the OECD states the opportunities and guidelines for the effective use of AI in education. As artificial intelligence continues its rapid advancement, the question is no longer if it will impact education – but how. AI is poised to transform teaching and learning as we know it, for better or worse. But how can we maximize its benefits while avoiding potential pitfalls...

Create Stunning Online Course Avatars with AI


Have you ever wanted to create a personalized online course avatar that looks like you? Recently, a friend asked me: ‘Can you quickly create an avatar for me? I need it for a MOOC‘. The answer was: I couldn’t. I fired up some research and opened many apps. Unfortunately, it was impossible to deliver a decent result quickly. Another topic to add to my AI Challenges! This blog...

Exploring the Future: Instructional Design and AI


Are you interested in learning about the intersection of instructional design and AI? With rapid AI and machine learning technology improvements, instructional designers are exploring new ways to create engaging and personalized learning experiences for diverse audiences with the help of AI.  Revolutionizing Education: How AI is Transforming Instructional Design This article looks at the...

Merrill’s Principles of Instruction: A Framework for effective eLearning Design


Merrill’s Principles of Instruction are a practical instructional design framework. Have you ever wondered how to design effective and engaging learning experiences for your students or trainees? Embracing and implementing Merrill’s Five Principles of Instruction in your online course design can significantly enhance its structure, resulting in a highly engaging and exceptionally...

The best AI for Generating a Rubric


Which AI is best for generating a rubric? In the ever-evolving landscape of online education and digital content, the role of rubrics cannot be overstated. For educators, they are indispensable tools that ensure fair and consistent assessment of student work. However, what if we could harness the power of AI to assist in creating these critical instructional assets? In this intriguing...

Creating Effective Learning Objectives with AI: A Step-by-Step Guide


Creating effective learning objectives with AI (or without!) is the foundation of any successful instructional design and e-learning initiative. They guide learners and provide a roadmap for achieving desired outcomes.  Just imagine a world where crafting the perfect learning objectives for your courses and programs is not just a time-consuming task but a breeze, where these objectives are...

Which AI is Best for Generating Learning Objectives?


Learning objectives serve as guiding beacons, illuminating learners’ knowledge acquisition path. They determine what students should know, understand, and do to complete a course. These objectives are not just pedagogical compasses; they also form the foundation upon which course content, assessments, and instructional strategies are built. I learned about the magical power of learning...

Which AI is Best for Generating Course Outlines?


In this experiment to determine the best AI for course outlines, we compare the capabilities of three AI tools: ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing, at generating course outlines. We use a simple prompt to create outlines for an online course about on-page SEO. Then, we evaluate the outputs using a matrix that includes criteria such as course objectives, content, activities, assessments, engagement, ease of...

Konstruktivismus im Instructional Design


In diesem Blogbeitrag erkläre ich, wie Konstruktivismus im Instructional Design eingesetzt wird. 

Instructional Design ist ein systematischer Prozess zur Entwicklung von Lernerfahrungen. Es ist ein wissenschaftlich fundierter Ansatz, der die Erkenntnisse der Lernpsychologie nutzt, um Lernende effektiv zu unterstützen.

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